UK iPhone Launch Special Report

Whilst over at the Podcast Expo, I was happy to help out at the Prong booth demo'ing some iPods and iPhones. iProng Radio is a podcast/website/magazine run by Bill Palmer. Bill contacted me a few days ago and asked if I'd be interested in writing a short piece on the UK iPhone launch. Always happy to oblige, so I sent it off today and he's published it on his website. It will also appear in a new magazine he is launching in December. You can check it out here: UK iPhone Launch Special Report A quick shout out to the MacBites crew who I met in the line outside the Apple store, especially Elaine who is a ScreenCastsOnline Extra! member as well as participating in the MacBites podcast. Elaine graciously agreed to let me use some of her photos for the article. Thanks Elaine!