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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in iPhone 3G (16)


iPhone App Store: Let the Market Decide

That Wil Shipley has nailed it again: iPhone App Store: Let the Market Decide Not one sentiment in that post that I disagree with!

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A New Class of iPod - iPod Auto ???

Pretty resigned to the fact that Apple won't be introducing any new Mac based products as it's a music event people. However..... Thinking on how Apple are now a consumer electronics company and like to push into new markets, how about this for some completely off the wall and unsubstantiated wishful thinking/rumour mongering. What market sector have Microsoft tried to break into with limited success? Other than at home, where do you tend to listen to music most? How about Apple doing for the in car entertainment industry what they've done for the the computer and mobile phone industry? Haven't you longed for the equivalent of an Apple TV in your car? A simple in dash unit with super simple connectivity to your iPod or iPhone (bluetooth?) Perhaps an all in one unit just like an Apple TV that has a built in hard disk. Just drive up to the house and have it sync over Wifi with your iTunes collection. Or perhaps a unit that "swallows" your iPod, uses it whilst you're driving, then spits it back out at your when you're finished. Or how about a unit with an integrated LCD display that hooks up to your iPhone and uses the inbuilt GPS for turn by turn tracking and driving directions? Or how about the in car unit using some tethering capability with the iPhone GPS and creating in in car wifi zone for your laptp - an office on the move? Ok, OK, pure speculation and thrown out there on basis whatsoever, but a guy can dream can't he? Now that would rock :-)

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New iPhone Software Release 2.1

Slated for release in September, here's just a few predictions I'll throw out: Bug Fixes - Expect to see the new software release be a lot more stable than the original 2.0 release, building on the stability introduced from 2.0.1 onwards Tethering - Lot's of talk about this being introduced. This is where you can link your iPhone to your laptop and allow the iPhone to act as a proxy connection to the Internet for your laptop using the high speed 3G data network. Would love to see it but I'm doubtful on this one for two reasons:

  • The increased load that would be inflicted on the already stretched 3G network
  • but mainly due to the cannibalisation of the existing mobile connectivity offerings already provide by the carriers
can't see them agreeing to it myself! GPS - Pure speculation but it wouldn't surprise me if Apple introduced a turn by turn GPS application either developed in house in association with Google or provided by a third party such as Tom Tom. I'm sure that turn by turn GPs is completely possible on the current 3G iPhone and 2.1 might just be the release where Apple spring it on us. Just in time to boost sales of the 3G iPhone for the holidays (as if they need it) Any others?

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Wordpress for the iPhone

Along with presumably many others, just testing out using the new wordpress app for the iPhone. It works!

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Turn by Turn GPS on the iPhone

9EF1BA32-0829-46C3-804E-1FA8CDBFF914.jpgMake no mistake, this will happen on the current iPhone 3G platform. Soon! Period! Update: Hate to say I told you so.... GearLive: Apple beta testing iPhone 2.1 firmware, adding more GPS features

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