Some mistake surely...

The Tom Tom car Kit for iPhone 3GS appeared on the UK Apple store today. £99
Seems a bit pricey but does include GPS enhancements, a better speaker, a better microphone for hand free and an audio out. Plus a charger.
However, the product page states:
Eh! It includes the application as well (£60 on it's own) - A bargain!!!
Hang on!
I bought the app when it first came out? I've already spent £60. You mean I should have waited? Where's the option to buy the car mount on its own?
This can't be right?
My thoughts are that the product page is incorrect.
Why have the header "Did you notice"?
I think the section should read:
Did you notice?
You need to get both the Tom Tom navigation app for your iPhone 3GS or 3G and the docking kit to hold your iPhone securely.....
We shall see!
If the app is included with the Car Kit, then either Apple or Tom Tom need to make a reduced price version available without the app for us early adopters. If they don't, there will be hell to pay!
I've placed a call with Apple customer support who are checking it out for me. Will keep you updated.

Just had a response back from Apple customer services who have quoted the Tom Tom FAQ:
This would indicate I was right and the App store entry is in error?
I've written back to the Apple rep that they need to clarify this and get the Apple store page changed if this is the case.

Direct quote from Apple:
The Apple Store Publishing Team is currently working on it to correct the error.
Can I say told you so yet!

Looks like the Car Kit page has been taken down from the UK store page, along with the Staff pick entry from the front page.
I thought they'd just update it in flight?

Tom Tom themselves have now announced that the Apple store entry was wrong and the cart kit does not, in fact. include the app itself.