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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Gadgets (67)


Mainstream Media Gets It Wrong Again!

Spotted an article in todays Daily mail about the rumours surrounding a new iPod that may be able to display ebooks. Cool! Until they finished it off with this quote.... ....Apple is under pressure from Microsoft, which is launching a rival device, the zune, in the autumn

The Daily Mail - UK Newspaper 3rd August 2006

Excuse Me! Last I heard Zune wasn't even going to ship with video support at launch.

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iPods in Cars

iPod automobile interfaces such as cassette adaptors and FM transmitters have proven to be a popular option for new iPod owners, but their days may be numbered, if Harris Interactive's research is any indication: more than half (52 per cent) of consumers who own or use an iPod in their vehicle, and 14 per cent of all adult vehicle owners, said they're extremely or very likely to consider purchasing an interface for their vehicle.

FM transmitters and cassette adaptors are the least preferred. Instead, respondents want either an auxiliary jack, Bluetooth, FireWire or USB interface.

Macworld UK - Study: Two thirds of iPod owners use them in cars

Nope, I want a standard DIN size unit that has a front panel that lifts up and allows me to pop in my iPod into the unit. I want it to withdraw the iPod into the unit and close the front panel. I then want to be able to see the iPod info on the front panel and control it either from the front panel or ideally some sort of remote control on the steering wheel (or utilise the existing audio controls)

When the iPod is not docked I suppose I'll also need an MP3 dual layer DVD drive, an FM radio, a memory slot and a USB slot.

Not much to ask!

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iPhone Rumours Reaching Fever Pitch

My favourite conceptual device....

You never know!

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I Want One!

A German company has developed a high-end in-car system based on an Apple iMac G5, whose entire hardware in turn is integrated into the 17-inch monitor that is only 5 centimeters thick

iMac Your Car

Now this sort of blows away all the mac mini car installs! Imagine a car based iMac ! I wonder if they've developed any special software/interfaces?

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2TB Raid5 in a G5

Then I found it, the G5Jive It's a simple little metal chassis that holds three drives and sits in the empty space in front of the fans INSIDE my G5. It takes a little bit of reconfiguring the power cables, and you have to remove the optical drive to install it, but once it's in, it's perfect. It runs off the power supply already going into the G5, so no big bricks in the wall, and everything is hidden away, inside the computer. Combine that with the extra drive space in the G5 next to the boot drive, and I've got 4 empty slots, ready for drives. Plus it was cheaper than any external enclosure I found, with our without the RAID controller. $80. Lovely (obviously this only works for you if you've got a G5, but I do, so... Lovely.)

Treemeat: Text: I got 98 problems, but lack of space ain't one.

Great piece about installing an internal RAID 5 array in a PowerMac G5. If you've seen the screencast about the firewire enclosure this is the next step up. More expensive but gives you the benefit of RAID 5 so no worries about any of the disks crashing as you could rebuild a disk nad recreate your data quite easily.

Ah well, perhaps when my 1TB JBOD array fills up I could consider this!

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