Something to Aspire To!

Respect! Update - Pity the page doesn't load properly in either Camino or Firefox.

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.
Following on from my trip to the Podcast and Portable Media Expo a few weeks ago, I stumbled upon an unexpected bonus. As the flight from Manchester to LA was approximately 10 hours, I thought I'd treat my self to a pair of Shure E2C-N In-Ear Headphones
(affiliate link!).
These are noise cancelling headphones, just the job for cutting out extraneous noise on the flight. They worked extremely well but I must admit, I don't make that many transatlantic flights so they could be considered a bit of an extravagance!
It was time to cut the lawn yesterday and I've got a fairly large garden and an old very noisy petrol lawnmower. I've tried to listen to my iPod in the past but even with the volume turned up full, it was still difficult to hear and it can't really be that good for my hearing.
Why not try the Shures? Popped them in and with my iPod only on half volume I was able to listen to and fully understand a rather badly recorded podcast. Result!
I feel a lot better now knowing I'll get regular use out the EC2's rather than just waiting until the next Podcast Expo :-)
Technorati Tags: gadgets
The case is a plastic and the overall fit and finish seem more durable and less scratch prone than the iPod. Three colors at launch, White, Black and Brown. Yep, Brown.
Michael Gartenberg - Today's Zune News - First Take
The key differentiator is the sharing feature. I can share any song on the device to any other device in range.
Michael Gartenberg - Today's Zune News - First Take
And why would I do that? I've got an iPod, one of the most popular MP3 and video players on the planet and I've never wanted to share anything with another iPod. To be honest, I've only ever been in close proximity to another 2 or 3 iPods. But then again, I'm probably not the demographic that feature is targeted at :-)Pricing – Unkown at this time for either device or the store.
Michael Gartenberg - Today's Zune News - First Take
Granted, few people really need 1 terabyte of storage. But it sounds cool--sort of like you could be running a ballistic missile tracking site in your den. Besides, humans continue to show that they can come up with ways to gobble up hard drive space.
One-terabyte drive to debut later this year | CNET
It's my considered opinion that 1 terabyte will not be enough for the average "home" in the very near future. Broadband distribution of HDTV, hosting of DVDs, HD Home Movies......
Hmm, lets just say HD shall we!
Now is a good time to be a storage vendor, but what we really need is an efective way to manage and backup all this content.
I subscribed to the Zune newsletter back on the 22nd July - It's now 14th August and I've not heard a peep! They're really building the buzz ovr at MS?
technorati tags:zune