The Day After.....

Now I could probably spend the next two hours crafting a long and detailed blog post all about the announcements from Apple yesterday on the iPhone OS 3.0, but to be honest, I've got a pressing deadline for some high profile commissioned work and just don't have that luxury. Sorry to be a tease but you'll hear more about the commissioned work very soon!
All I will say is that Apple have delivered on pretty much everything (except for video capture).
iPhone OS 3.0 is a hugely significant release delivering on many different levels.
From the user viewpoint, delivering cut and paste (OK really we should call it Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo), MMS messaging, Search, yadda yadda.... All features that make the iphone eminently more useable.
From the developers standpoint, delivering over 1,000 new APIs opening up the iPhone like a sardine can, exposing tonnes more functionality to enable developers to create much richer applications and also exploding the monetisation aspects of the apps with multiple systems for commerce.
They've also introduce huge opportunities for brand new markets by opening up the iPhone to more closely integrate with hardware and accessories via wired or bluetooth connections, transforming the iPhone to a control surface for yet to be designed bits of kit.
And let's not forget the huge potential of the Turn by Turn GPS announcement welcoming Tom Tom, Garmin and anyone else who wants to create a stellar GPS application.
Oh yeah, and push notifications and new media browser and......
Well you get my drift!
But this is still only half of the picture.
When the new iPhone is launched in June, yes when, not if, there will be a host of new hardware developments included in there to take advantage of this additional functionality, along with some new features. Extra Memory and Video Recording to name but two (perhaps even a backward facing camera for video conferencing).
So all in all, a solid release for Apple and something to look forward to for the release of the new iPhone platform in June.
Hmm, June is six months after December isn't it?
I'm just sayin'