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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Apple Hardware (11)


Rumours and damned rumours...

Blogosphere full of rumours about Apple updating the MacBook Air yesterday, but more interestingly, preparing to launch a new 27" Cinema Display based on the iMac 27" screen.

Didn't happen!

That's not to say it may happen over the next few days but the rumours were pretty strong.

I'm still scratching my head as to why Apple have not refreshed their 30" Cinema Display for years? It was launched in 2004 for goodness sake!!

The panel technology is pretty old and the styling is also looking pretty dated and certainly doesn't fit in with the current range.  Then there's the price! $1799 for a six year old design and technology.  

And what about the complete lack of ergonomics - you can tilt it in the vertical plane and that's about it.

I really do find this to be a weird anomaly in Apple's usually extremely well thought out range of products. 


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