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This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Appearances (32)


Mac Roundtable - 46

Mac Roundtable Podcast.pngI don't normally pimp the Mac Roundtable on the blog but this episode is worthy of pimping! Due to technical problems, i.e. I didn't double check my Skype recording, the usual master audio copy I use to publish the show only ended up with a single vocal on - mine! Never fear as Chuck, Dave and Bart all had the good sense to make a backup recording - just in case. So I asked for the backups to check which one would be the best to use to edit, when to my horror, I discovered no single backup was good enough to use. Lots of Skype noises and distortion on all the Skype tracks except for the person actually recording locally. Damm! There was no option but to painstakingly assemble all 4 recordings in a multitrack editor, and go through manually selecting the best snippets of each to create a finished podcast. Actually, the final result isn't half bad, in fact it's probably the best sounding Mac Rountable episode ever! But seeing as I went to so much trouble to put it together, I have to insist that you take a listen - Link - or better still, subscribe to the podcast! I certainly won't make that mistake again!

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The Mac Jury!

The MacJury.jpgMy good friend Chuck Joiner from over on MacNotables and MacVoices, invited me to take part in the inaugural episode of the Mac Jury - a new panel discussion about the Mac. I recorded the show a week or two ago and it's taken a little while for Chuck to get the site up and running but it's there now and the show is available. If you're a MacVoices or MacNotables subscriber, you'll probably get a copy of the show automatically as I think he'll be putting a copy of at least the first show in that feed. We're pretty well served in the Mac Community for commentary on the Mac scene but with the introduction of the Mac Jury, there's now even more choice! Just make sure that you don't unsubscribe from the Mac Roundtable! Not sure when I'll be next on the Mac Jury but Chuck always puts together a varied and interesting group of people so I'll be subscribing! Thanks for the invite Chuck!

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Another Podcast Appearance!

MyMac.pngYup! Another podcast appearance this time on the MyMac podcast with Tim, Guy and David. Tim asked me a month or so ago and it wasn't until we started chatting during the podcast that I realised that we'd met at MacWorld earlier this year! Here's the blurb..... Don McAllister of ScreenCastOnline and the Mac Roundtable Podcast joined Tim, Guy, and David this week for a great chat. We cover podcasting, how Don got started, and his switch from the PC to the Mac. We have Robert Hazelrigg chatting about his AppleCare ordeal, and then Tim, Guy, and David wrap up the show with some MyMac news, Apple news, and audio books worth buying on You can check out this episode on the MyMac site Thanks guys - I really enjoyed it!

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New Mac Roundtable Episode....

Mac Roundtable Podcast-1.jpgNow I won't do this everytime a new episode is released but just a reminder that the latest episode of the Mac Roundtable has just been released. I make another appearance but I'm not sure if I'll be up to appearing on future mid week episodes but should still be able to make the weekend editions. Unfortunately, due to time zones, the mid week episodes are recorded at 2am UK time! But never say never! Once we were off and running, the time difference didn't really make that much difference and a good time was had by all. Hope you enjoy it! PS Make sure you subscribe to the iTunes feed to get all future episodes

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Re-Launched Mac Roundtable

Mac Roundtable Podcast-1.jpgSome breaking news!! One of my favourite Mac podcasts has been off line since October last year, and that's the Mac Roundtable. Joseph, Adam, Steve and Tim did a great job in bring mac news and opinions to the community, but due to logistical reasons, it was always difficult to bring a show together. I guested on the show a couple of times and it was great fun. Over at Macworld this year, a few of us Mac podcasters got together socially and we had a ball hanging out and just chatting about lots of Mac stuff. We really did hit it off well as a group. It was only after Macworld had finished that we all got back home when it was suggested that, seeing as we had such a good time chatting, why not continue our chats, record it as a podcast and put it out there! As we're such good friends with the Mac Roundtable guys, we thought it only common courtesy to let them know of our thoughts and the upshot is that they thought it was a great idea, but why not combine forces and just expand the Mac Roundtable line up. So I'm delighted to say, that's what we've done! The new Mac Roundtable panel consists of the original members:

  • Adam Christianson - Maccast
  • Steve Stanger - The MacAttack
  • Joseph Nilo - The MacMediaCast
  • Tim Verpoorten - The Mac Review Cast
but the extended line up now also includes:
  • Don McAllister - ScreenCastsOnline
  • Victor Cajiao - Typical Mac User
  • Allison Sheridan - Nosillacast Podcast
  • David Sparks - MacSparky
  • Katie Floyd - The MacCore
  • Jonathan Cost - MacTips Daily
all as regular panel members. Now obviously, all the members won't appear on every show but know we should be able to bring you a much more varied and regular show with a bigger pool of resources. The first show of the re-launched Mac Roundtable has just been published and you can listen here or even better, subscribe to the podcast in iTunes I hope you enjoy this first show with some of the new line up and thanks to the Mac Roundtable guys for welcoming us with open arms!

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