Mac Roundtable - 46

I don't normally pimp the Mac Roundtable on the blog but this episode is worthy of pimping!
Due to technical problems, i.e. I didn't double check my Skype recording, the usual master audio copy I use to publish the show only ended up with a single vocal on - mine!
Never fear as Chuck, Dave and Bart all had the good sense to make a backup recording - just in case.
So I asked for the backups to check which one would be the best to use to edit, when to my horror, I discovered no single backup was good enough to use. Lots of Skype noises and distortion on all the Skype tracks except for the person actually recording locally.
There was no option but to painstakingly assemble all 4 recordings in a multitrack editor, and go through manually selecting the best snippets of each to create a finished podcast.
Actually, the final result isn't half bad, in fact it's probably the best sounding Mac Rountable episode ever!
But seeing as I went to so much trouble to put it together, I have to insist that you take a listen - Link - or better still, subscribe to the podcast!
I certainly won't make that mistake again!