About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Appearances (32)


MacBreak Weekly #193

I was delighted to be invited onto Leo Laporte’s podcast MacBreak Weekly yesterday, along with Justine Ezarik & Chris Breen.

MacBreak Weekly #193 - It’s Made Of People

Leo invited me on to a new show he’s developing involving the iPad - will keep you informed!


Interview with David Spark...

No, not my Mac Roundtable buddy David Sparks (MacSparky) but another David Spark, the Davis Spark who is publishing a series about "Making Money from Podcasting"

The series is being published at the Technologiser website but I understand it's part of a larger project.

I had a chance to chat with David for 10 or 15 minutes last week via Skype and the interview and a write up is now available over at the website. As it's part of a series, you'll find some other interesting content covering the handful of podcasters who have managed to break the mould and actually make a living doing the thing they love.

One particular interview gives me immense satisfaction and that's the one from Israel Hyman, who runs the successful Izzy Video podcast and has also gone full time. I met up with Izzy a couple of times at the New Media Expo (as it was) and gave him some advice and background on how I built up ScreenCastsOnline. He was kind enough to mention this in his interview as one of the factors in "going it alone". It's so good to see he's been able to replicate the success I've had using the same model.

If you're at Blogworld next month Izzy, I'll let you buy me a beer :-)


Did I mention...

I don't think I did!

I'm delighted to have been invited to speak at this years Blogworld & New Media Expo in Las Vegas (Oct 15 - 17 2009) I'll be presenting a session on Saturday 17th at 3:30pm covering "Creating ScreenCasts". You can find a full list of sessions here.

As you may be aware, BlogWorld and New Media Expo were previously two separate conferences which merged earlier in the year. This will be the first combined conference making it a much bigger and significant event.

I've been fortunate enough to attend the New Media Expo (or whatever it was called for that year!) for the past three years and it's always been an amazing event, with lots of opportunities for networking and learning all about the industry. It will be interesting to see how it has evolved and see just how much buzz is generated in its new form.

Should be an exciting time.

Goes without saying that if you're headed that way too, I look forward to getting the chance to say hello.

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MacJury Duty

It was late, I was tired....

Well that's my excuse for being a bit quieter than usual on a special episode of MacJury recorded late last night (UK time) following the iPhone 3.0 event.

A veritable cast of thousands and some interesting view points make for a good podcast!

Check it out here:

MacJury #903: Evidence is Heard and Judgement is Passed on the iPhone 3.0 Announcements

Thanks for the invite Chuck!

PS You could always subscribe in iTunes

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Appearance on Mac 20 Questions

I met David Allen (not the GTD David Allen!) when I visited the Podcamp Barcelona last year. David is an ex-pat living in Spain who goes under the Twitter name of @wizardgold.

At the time David had a couple of non mac related podcasts but more recently has launched Mac 20 Questions- a podcast where he interviews Mac users to ask them 20 questions about how they use their Macs. A very simple idea, but one that works surprisingly well.

As David is an active twitter user, many of his guests are people I've also known via twitter (and regular ScreenCastsOnline viewers) and it's been completely refreshing to hear from Mac users who normally don't make regular appearances on podcasts.

The passion and the difference a Mac has made to people, really comes across and makes for fascinating listening, definitely a podcast that would sway any switchers sitting on the fence.

Well the inevitable happened and David invited me on so I'm duty bound to link to that episode - Mac20Q with Don McAllister so feel free to take a listen, but actually, take a listen to some of the other interviews, perhaps with people you don't know or have never heard of.

You won't regret it!

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