About Me

This is the personal blog of Don McAllister, the host and producer of ScreenCastsOnline.

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Entries in Appearances (32)


Some further musings!

Been a busy week for me this week. As well as sorting out my own show with the first "Mini Montage", I was asked to guest on some other podcasts too!

YMPNow - Frank Petrie - Vimeo

Frank asked me to do a short video piece for his new podcast. The show contains a five minute video of my initial thoughts surrounding the launch of the new iPad 2. Apologies to Robert Llewellyn (@bobbyllew) as I recorded it in the car on the way to the Gym. Carpool has nothing to worry about, although it's a mighty fine view up my nostrils! That's not me on the opening still frame of the video by the way. 

Bagel Tech Mac - Ewen Rankin - Bagel Tech Mac

One of the newest Mac podcasts around and it's based in the UK. I joined Ewen, Andrew, Kyle and Alex to pontificate about the latest and greatest Mac news. 

NosillaCast - Allison Sheridan - Nosillacast

With Bart still out of the picture, Allison asked me to step into the "Chit Chat Across The Pond" spot. She was curious about Mac Mania and just what was involved in a Geek cruise. So we had a good 30 minute discussion about what the cruise was all about, what it's like to both present and attend one these cruises and what life was like in general with a bunch of Mac geeks on the high seas with limited Internet access. 


You can stream all these shows directly from the pages linked above, or subscibe to the shows in iTunes.

Thanks to Allison, Ewan and Frank for inviting me on.


My Foolish Adventure...


Yet another interview ;-)

This one perhaps isn't for everyone, as it's an interview about the business side of ScreenCastsOnline and my journey from Corporate IT to running an online business.

I was contacted by Izzy Hyman who runs the great Izzy Zideo podcast (along with some other brilliant podcasts) to take part in a new series with Tim Conley called Foolish Adventure.

 To quote the website:

Foolish Adventure is an affectionate, tongue-in-cheek name to describe bucking the norm.  The Internet has been commercially viable for 15 years, but still many millions of people haven’t taken the leap for any number of reasons.  Izzy and Tim hope to show everyone with an interest — how to actually make that jump.

The content is free and some of the previous episodes have been pretty inspirational, so I was flattered to be asked on to tell my story.

Thanks for the opportunity, Izzy & Tim!

Link to episode - Our Foolish Interview with Don McAllister from – FA022



Nosillacast #285 - MacBook Air Old & New


My good buddy Allison Sheridan invited me onto this week's "chit chat across the pond" segment on her weekly tech podcast - the one with an ever so slight Macintosh bias!

I had the pleasure to chat to Al and her her husband Steve about the old and current MacBook Airs, and why the new machine was so well received. Both Steve and I were early adopters of the old MacBook Air, so as well as discussing all the features of the new machine, we delve into why we originally bought (and in my case sold) the original machine and do a comparison with the new.

Thanks for inviting me on Al and Steve, but I guess I should listen in for those outakes you we're threatening to include first!

Link to #285 Shownotes to subscribe or download.


TechFan #8 - Mac App Store

Don McAllister – Mac App StoreTechFan #8-1.jpg

Thanks to Tim Robertson and David Cohen for inviting me onto their TechFan podcast yesterday.

It made a nice change to do a podcast at a civilised hour rather than the wee, small hours of the morning.

You can download of subscribe to the Podcast here



The Two Techies Podcast 

Aaron and Jamie are two young and highly committed podcasters with a great tech related podcast called "The Two Techies"

They were kind enough to invite me onto episode 29 for a quick interview.

You can hear the results here:

Thanks for the invite guys and good luck with the podcast.

PS You really do need to shorten that intro ;-)